Pane, uova, uvetta, pinoli, latte, pepe, alici, mayonese al wasaby, salsa aioli, senape, soia / Allergeni: 3, 6, 7, 8, 10
Allergeni: 7
Carne di manzo, salsa citronette, pepe, rucola, pomodorini
Spigola e polpo con salsa citronette, misticanza, pepe / Allergeni: 4, 14
Prosciutto crudo sardo e melone
Cozze, pomodoro, olio EVO, aglio, prezzemolo / Allergeni: 1, 14
Melanzane, zucchine, peperoni, pomodorini, cipolla, aglio / Allergeni: 1
Pecorino romano, pepe / Allergeni: 7
Carne di manzo 180 gr, pomodoro ketchup, cipolla caramellata, insalata, pecorino / Allergeni: 1, 7
Filetto di pesce bianco fritto, insalata, mayonese / Allergeni: 1, 3, 4
Allergeni: 1, 3, 4
Allergeni: 3
Allergeni: 4
Allergeni: 1
Allergeni: 3
salad with buffalo mozzarella and fresh tomatoes
(Allergens: 7)
prosciutto, melon
iceberg lettuce, grilled chicken, spicy rosemary croutons, pecorino cheese, Caesar dressing
(Allergens: 7 )
mixed leaves, cucumber, rocket, apple, walnuts, cherry tomatoes, julienned carrot, black olives,
croutons with rosemary, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds
(Allergens: 8)
grilled squid, fennel, orange, black sesame, confit cherry tomato
(Allergens: 11)
Iceberg, pollo grigliato, crostini di pane croccante, pecorino, salsa caesar / Allergeni: 1, 7
Iceberg, radicchio rosso, prosciutto di tonno, avocado, mela, cipolla rossa / Allergeni: 4
Misticanza, cetriolo, rucola, mela, noci, pomodorini, carote julienne, olive nere, crostini di pane croccante, semi di zucca, chia e canapa / Allergeni: 1, 8
Pomodori misti, cetriolo, cipolla rossa, rucola
Iceberg, radicchio, pomodori, mozzarella, tonno, prosciutto crudo, mais / Allergeni: 4, 7
Allergeni: 1
Allergeni: 3
Allergeni: 1
Allergeni: 3
Some dishes may contain potentially allergenic substances. In the menu, under the name of the dish are indicated by the appropriate number the allergens present in them.For more information please ask the restaurant’ staff.
Substances or products causing allergies or intolerances. 1. Cereals containing gluten (wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut) and products thereof 2. Crustaceans and crustacean products 3. Eggs and egg products 4. Fish and fish products 5. Soybeans and soybean products 6. Cereals containing gluten 7. Milk and milk products 8. Nuts and nut products (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pecan nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachio nuts, macadamia nuts) 9. Celery and celery products 10. Mustard and mustard products 11. Sesame seeds and sesame seed products 12. Sulphur dioxide and sulphites at concentrations of more than 10 mg/kg 13. Lupin and lupin products 14. Molluscs and mollusc products.